Donate hearing aids for recycling by posting them to us.

Please send any no longer used or needed aids to us at:

Hearing Aid Recycling
P O Box 816

OX16 6TW

Or contact us at:

Tel: 0300 102 1565

And we’ll help you donate if we can.

Our fabulous team have holidays coming up. Please do still pop your contact details in with any hearing aids you post. We will let you know when they arrive safely. There may be a slight delay, over the next few weeks, in doing so. However, we will catch ourselves up before long. Thank you so much for finding us and thank you so much for your support with any hearing aids you donate.


all of us at Hearing Aid Recycling

Donate hearing aids for hearing aid recycling by posting them in.

Let us know they’re on the way:

Let us know you have sent your hearing aids to us so we can look out for it.

We are so grateful for your donation and posting them to us. Every hearing aid counts. So if you are not going to be able to post them, please do give us a call on: 0300 102 1565 or send us an email at and we’ll do our very best to see what we can do to help you.

Thank you in advance.

The HTHT team.