Would you like to help us with our initiative to recover hearing aids?

How you can help us recover hearing aids to make them available to the world!

Recover hearing aids: Register to join our growing family of collection centres?

To recover hearing aids, is such an important thing, that they may be refurbished and redistributed to people around the world.

The cost-of-living crisis has affected every sphere of our lives, from the supermarkets we choose to shop in, to the number of lights we have on in our homes. Many are struggling to pay their bills, let alone give to others – resulting in a decline in charity donations.  The Charities Aid Foundation (CFA) reported nearly five million fewer people donated to charity between January-April 2022 compared to 2019.

Many UK hearing aids are barely worn and nearly all become redundant (with their first wearer) before the end of their useful product life.  Extensive research shows that no matter how well intentioned, if something is onerous, we put it off!

Having as many drop off points as possible will maximise the number of hearing aids we are able to recover. We’re so grateful to our growing network of collection centres. Do you have a public facing business, practice or enterprise? Might you be able to act as a collection centre for us?  Hearing aids are tiny so they won’t clutter up your premises.  However, they pack a lot of punch and can really transform a person’s life.

We’d love to ‘hear’ from you info@hearingaidrecycling.co.uk, if you think you can help us recover hearing aids?

Do you have a public profile? 

Could you help spread the word about hearing aid recovery?

recover hearing aids spread the word picture

How you can help us to recover as many hearing aids as possible:

We’ve been overwhelmed by the reception and support our simple idea has received.  Following the success of various hearing aid recovery campaigns.  We’d love to take our mission mainstream and spread the message as far and wide as possible.

We understand that you’ll appreciate just how much difference access to a hearing aid can make.  To enable people to live normal, engaged lives.  We’re hoping you might see the benefit in using your profile to help us make hearing a reality to millions of deaf people around the world.

recovering hearing aids recycling ambassador search

What being an ambassador to maximise hearing aid recovery might encompass:

We have over 1100 collections centres.  People just need to know about them and how easy it is to donate a hearing aid to HT for refurbishing.  If we don’t recover hearing aids we can’t repurpose them and give the gift of hearing to millions!

We’d love as much support as possible from anyone and everyone!

From as little as permission to use a stock image and quote of support on our website and social media activities.  To possibly helping front our national campaign of awareness about hearing aid donation?

Every donated hearing aid can make a massive difference,

We’d love to ‘hear’ from you info@hearingaidrecycling.co.uk, if you think you can help?