Margot Robbie chats in sign language at Barbie premier.

Margot Robbie uses Sign Language for hearing impaired/deaf at Barbie premier.

Margot Robbie chats in sign language at Barbie premier. Margot Robbie champions deaf awareness by chatting in sign language at a recent premier.  There’s not much we won’t do to highlight the need to donate no longer needed hearing aids to Hearing Aid Recycling.  So that they can be repurposed to help deaf people around the world.  Having been delighted to see Margot Robbie talking to a fan (in sign language) at one of the premiers for the new Barbie film we felt we better go along and see what all the fuss was about!?

Gingers supporting donate hearing aids
The girls supporting donate hearing aids.

Margot Robbie chats in sign language at Barbie premier. Here’s two of our favourite helpers in our mission to recycle hearing aids to help others!

Seraphina and Perdie (pictured as tiny tots as they’re now much bigger and camera shy) came along with us to …. Well to mostly eat popcorn and sweets and see a movie.  We did ask them for their views on whether Barbie was right to resist being put back in her box?  If they felt it empowered women and made them think about their place in the world where gender inequality is becoming less acceptable with each passing day but…. they were too busy watching the film and consuming processed calories.

Some Barbie Movie reviews:

The film, she says, promises nostalgia, grandeur and a little darkness.

Donald Clarke of The Irish Times called Barbie a “lurid assault” on the senses. “The film delivers so much else … while Barbie’s journey of self-discovery is often derailed by surreal skits and arch asides.”

We (at Hearing Aid Recycling) loved it!

Margot Robbie as Barbie supports sign language awareness for deaf people communication.
Margot Robbie as Barbie supports sign language awareness for deaf people.

Here’s Margot Robbie in all her Barbietasticness!

Margot Robbie isn’t the only celebrity to have seen the importance of inclusivity and to have taken the time and energy to learn sign language.  Below is an article about Margot and a few others. If you feel you might also learn the basics or more of sign language then you can find out a bit more here.

If you can, please help us!

In the meantime, if you or a loved one have any no longer needed hearing aids and would like to donate them to our Hearing Aid Recycling so they can help others at home and abroad then please do get in touch with us here.  Or if you already have some appliances you no longer need drop them to one of our collection centres.  You can easily find you nearest one on our map or a-z list.

Thank you so much….. we thought in the spirit of Barbieland inclusivity we shouldn’t forget Ken. So here he is:

Kens are just Kens championing hearing aid donation and recycling

Margot Robbie chats in sign language at Barbie premier. Below are some Barbie pearls of wisdom. We’re going to try and learn them in sign language, are you?

  • “Always leave things better than you found them.”
  • “Anything is possible.” …
  • “You’re braver than you think.” …
  • “You never know what you can do unless you try.” …

Here’s the article highlighting Margot Robbie and some other celebrities who have learnt sign language:

Margot Robbie chats in sign language at Barbie premier. However, so do other famous people as detailed below:,about%20knowing%20sign%20language%20before.