Charity Partners:  George Gachanja of Kenya Society for Deaf Children.

Charity Partners:  George Gachanja of Kenya Society for Deaf Children.

Hearing Aid Recycling donate 1,000 Phonak Hearing Aids to Kenya Society for Deaf Children

Who are Kenya Society for Deaf Children?

Who are Kenya Society for Deaf Children? Charity Partners:  George Gachanja of Kenya Society for Deaf Children. Hearing Aid Recycling donate 1000 Phonak Hearing Aids to Kenya Society for Deaf Children.  The Kenya Society for Deaf Children (KSDC) is a pioneering organization. They are committed to empowering deaf children and fostering inclusive environments in Kenya. It’s mission is to address the unique needs and challenges faced by deaf children.

How do they do this?

KSDC offers a range of programs and services aimed at enhancing their educational opportunities. These include: social integration, and overall well-being. Through advocacy, education, and community outreach initiatives, KSDC promotes awareness about deafness and advocates for the rights and inclusion of deaf individuals in all aspects of society. They provide specialised education, vocational training, and support services tailored to meet the diverse needs of deaf children, enabling them to develop essential skills and achieve their full potential. With a team of professionals and volunteers, KSDC creates an inclusive society where deaf children are valued, empowered, and opportunities to thrive.

Hearing Aid Recycling donate 1000 Phonak Hearing Aids (and c.1500 batteries) to Kenya Society for Deaf Children

George Gachanja, a remarkable individual from the Kenya Society for Deaf Children; introduced to us at Hearing Aid Recycling by his Director, Rhoda. Our introduction to Rhoda came through the wonderful Rita Adhiambo, who holds a special place in our hearts as the exceptional former Au Pair to Zoe’s children, the Founder of Hearing Aid Recycling. Rita’s care for Zoe’s children—Coco, Bertie, Perdie, and Minky—is fondly remembered, especially during their younger years. Moments like these that remind us of the interconnectedness of our experiences and the importance of building meaningful relationships within our community, here they all are:

Rita grew up in Kenya and is hugely supportive of her ‘motherland’. We were thrilled when she suggested we may be able to help Rhoda and George.

Meeting George for the first time:

Our first encounter with George occurred over Zoom, where he emphatically conveyed the scope of The Kenya Society for Deaf Children’s endeavours. Subsequent interactions, due to our hectic schedules, mainly unfolded on WhatsApp. George’s profile messages on the platform were a delightful blend of seriousness and cheerfulness, showing his kind and dedicated personality. Donating 1000 Phonak hearing aids to such an exceptional organization was immensely gratifying, yet George’s engaging images added an extra layer of joy to our daily routine, prompting both contemplation and smiles. Below, some of George’s most memorable moments, significantly encapsulating his essence and the spirit of the invaluable work he champions:

Hearing Aid Recycling – always a friends and family affair!

Hearing Aid Recycling – always a friends and family affair!  After a long and undeniably busy day at the office what, friend of Hearing Aid Recycling, Robin most wanted to do was sort and count donated Hearing Aid batteries!!

Living up to ‘DHL always delivers’!

Living up to ‘DHL always delivers’!  After a flurry of late-night messages, they discovered that KSDC was launching a full medical clinic on February 29th 2024, and straightaway decided to challenge DHL to deliver the hearing aids to Nairobi in time for the event. Zoe, Robin, and Fin diligently packed the box and journeyed to London early the next morning, hopeful for a successful outcome. Despite navigating through three DHL offices, their luck turned when they met Marcus, whose exceptional assistance ensured the shipment’s best chance of timely delivery. What followed were nail-biting days spent tracking the donated hearing aids across continents, fingers crossed for their arrival before the big day. It was a testament to the power of determination and collaboration in making a difference for those in need.

The best bit… They Arrived! Donated Hearing Aids fitted at Nairobi School for Deaf children:

The best bit… Donated Hearing Aids arriving in Kenya to transform children’s lives through access to better hearing! In a heartwarming tale of determination, collaboration, Hearing Aid Recycling embarked on a mission to support the KSDC. But through communication and unwavering dedication, we ensured the timely delivery of donated hearing aids for KSDC’s medical clinic launch. Despite hurdles and nail-biting moments, the perseverance paid off, with the aid arriving in Nairobi just in time. The shining moment came when Marcus from DHL went above and beyond to facilitate the shipment’s safe passage. The best bit… Donated hearing aids eventually arriving in Kenya to transform children’s lives through access to better hearing, a testament to the power of compassion and community.

Charity Partners:  George Gachanja of Kenya Society for Deaf Children. Thank You for reading this and thank you for helping us!!

This shows how a donation of an unwanted hearing aid destined for landfill can for someone else be a lifeline. Donating hearing aids for hearing aid recycling is simple can be done the following ways:  

Drop them off

Post them in

Or get in touch with us and we’ll help you!

Again, if you have time, do please include a picture and note. We’ll pop our thanks and remembrance in the gallery!! We also love to let you know that they have arrived safely. Then, please do pop your contact details in too and we’ll do just that!