3 new ‘Donate your Hearing Aids’ drop off places in Cornwall!

New hearing aid recycling centres

Fantastic News: 3 new ‘Donate your Hearing Aid places in Cornwall! Roseland Surgeries!

3 new ‘Donate your Hearing Aids’ drop off places in Cornwall!  It is now even easier to donate your no longer needed hearing aids in Cornwall.  We’re so pleased that The Roseland Surgeries have pledged their support to help us recover as many no longer needed hearing aids as possible.  So that they can be repurposed for people around the world. For those who don’t have access to the equivalent of our amazing NHS.

Donations of hearing aids box
Hearing Aid donations box at Portscatho.

Sophie Maziere the Social Prescribing Link Worker for The Roseland Surgeries has displayed the Hearing Aid Recycling posters. There’s one in each of the practices at St Mawes, Portscatho and Tregony.  There is also a dedicated box to drop them off in the waiting room at Portscatho (pictured above). In addition there’s a poster on display in the pharmacy at St Mawes.  So hopefully it is now super simple to drop off any no longer needed hearing aids. Either to the reception desk or the drop off box, at any stage when you might just be at the surgeries anyway.

3 new ‘Donate your Hearing Aid places in Cornwall! With Greener Practice:

Hearing aid donating in Cornwall

The Roseland Surgeries are part of The Greener Practice Organisation.  You can find out more about Greener Practice here.  It is a fantastic collection of frontline health services who are working together to ‘engage General Practice for the health of people and planet’.  By establishing ‘a network of people encouraging action on sustainability in primary care by providing information, convening groups to share learning and speaking up on the national stage’.  Hearing Aid Recycling were first approached by Martin Cluer who co-ordinates the Cornish division.  One of our funeral director partners had displayed a Hearing Ad Recycling poster in their local surgery and it was brought to Martin’s attention.  Following his initial phone call we’ve, with his help, slowly been adding each of the Greener Practice Cornish locations into the Hearing Aid Recycling ‘donate your hearing aids by dropping them off’ family.  Thank you Martin. 

Connecting donating hearing aids with local General Practice:

Our research has shown that people associate hearing aids as pieces of medical equipment. Making a really easy connection for them with donating them, once they are no longer needed, via health organisations.  For this reason we’re confident that the Greener Practice and Hearing Aid Recycling relationship is going to be long and fruitful.  Thank you again Sophie, Martin and everyone at the practices and pharmacy.

3 new ‘Donate your Hearing Aids’ drop off places in Cornwall! Including: St Just in Roseland.

St Just in Roseland hearing aid recycling
St Just in Roseland hearing aid recycling

Co-Founder Zoe spent all her holidays, as a child, in Cornwall and has wonderful memories of exploring St Just in Roseland Church hidden at the bottom of the hill by the creek.  Returning many years later with her own children. 

The Wish Tree

Donate your hearing aids wish tree
Donate your hearing aids: wish tree

We’ve always called this The Wish Tree.  It’s always a lovely place, nestled in the calm surroundings of the church, to pause for a moment, take a deep breath and count your blessings, .

For other Cornish drop off locations please visit our Interactive Map or County List.

Finally, just a quick remainder that we’ve changed our name but not our mission. From HTHTHT to Hearing Aid Recycling. The purpose remains the same. Reducing pollution by diverting no longer needed hearing aids from landfill to a next user. Transforming lives through access to better hearing.