Founder Gordon in his ‘big ears’ for Friday afternoon!

Hearing aid donation specialist

Hearing Aid Recycling – Co-Founder Gordon

In the gloom of interest rate rises and galloping food inflation we thought it would be good to remember to try and sometimes looks at life in a slightly more lighthearted way. To not let the fear takeover! So, with that theme in mind. Here’s co-Founder Gordon wiggling his ‘big ears’. Possibly even waving his massive ear trumpet around at NFE last June.

It’s great that we managed to get him on dry land for the 3 days at Stoneleigh. Gordon is passionate about trying to tackle the plastic pollution on the remote beaches of the West Coast of Scotland (RCC Crew). So, Gordon and his trusty sidekick Mondego (the bravest miniature ‘seadog’ dachshund on 4 very short legs anywhere!) are often all at sea.

Hearing Aid Recycling - Co-Founder Gordon - sidekick Mondego

Fortunately Mondego, and his loyal companion, Hearing Aid Recycling – Co-Founder Gordon, feel as passionately against still working hearing aids going to landfill as they do about the dangers of discarded plastic to our aquatic life.  Throwing their energies into recovering, repurposing and redistributing hearing aids.  For people at home and abroad.  If you’d like to get onboard with Gordon and Mondego, please click here to find out more.