Hearing Aids being donated in Witney!

Hearing Aids being donated in Witney

Fantastic news!! 

Hearing Aids being donated in Witney!! Mrs Bush of Witney phoned a local hearing care provider as she wasn’t sure what, if anything, could be done with her late mother’s hearing aids.  She was hoping she may be able to donate them.  Hoping that there may be a possibility they could be repurposed and go on to help others in the way they had helped her mother.    The lady at the hearing care company had heard of Hearing Aid Recycling and gave Mrs Bush our number.  We were absolutely thrilled to hear from her.

Hearing Aid Recycling’s A-Z List of drop-off collection centres alphabetically by County.

HT Hearing aid recycling collection centres
Hearing aid Recycling collection centres

It was so lovely to chat with Mrs Bush.  She explained that she didn’t really use the internet very much or really drive anymore.  We couldn’t think of a local postcode to try and use the Hearing Aid Recycling Interactive Map so decided to look up the possible drop off points in Oxfordshire on the A-Z Alphabetical List. 

Thank you, again, Dignity Funerals for your help and support acting as collection centres. Helping hearing aids being donated in Witney!!

Zoe (Hearing Aid Recycling Co-Founder) and Mrs Bush talked through the list of possible places for Mrs Bush to drop the aids.  Deciding that the easiest would be S R Childs (soon to be rebranded Oliver & James).  A Dignity Funerals branch of Funeral Directors.  Dignity Funerals were the first of the larger groups of Funeral Directors to show their support and offer their branches as collection centres to Hearing Aid Recycling. 

It seems such a long time ago that Co-Founders Gordon and Zoe were standing tentatively behind a small table at The Celtic Manor Hotel in Cardiff preparing to try and talk to 200+ Funeral Directors. Hearing Aid Recycling just a dream!   Jamie Hawke, Head of the SW Region of Dignity Funerals was the very first person to come and speak to us!  Coffee in hand and a friendly encouraging smile on his face.  Thank you, again, Jamie.

The rest is history?

Not quite yet.  We’re still very much in the early stages of all we hope to achieve with our Hearing Aid Recyling Project.

It does however, feel as though we are inching ever closer to realising our vision of being able to transform many, many lives at home and abroad through access to better hearing. That today it is ‘hearing aids being donated in Witney’ but one day very soon it really will be nationwide.

We’re also thrilled that The Oxford Mail, Witney Gazette and This is Oxfordshire have featured Mrs Bush and her very kind donation of her mother’s hearing aids.  We’re hopeful that as news spreads far and wide we’ll be getting more and more hearing aids each day.


So, it’s another huge THANK YOU from us and you can read all about it here!




and here!
