Planes, Trains, Automobiles, Horses and Hearing Aid Recycling!

J H Kenyon - Dignity Funerals - supporting Hearing Aid Recycling 1

Planes, Trains, Automobiles, Horses and Hearing Aid recycling: We are so grateful for all of our collection centres’ support. Not least the Dignity Funerals branches that have been receiving no longer needed hearing aids for us over the last few years. Thank you! Which brings us back to:

Planes, Trains, Automobiles, Horses and Hearing Aid Recycling!

Planes, trains, automobiles, horses and hearing aid recycling

Planes, Trains, Automobiles, Horses and Hearing Aid Recycling! No, we’re not starting a game of guess the odd one out. In fact we could add a few more words and there’d still be no odd ones out. Those words might include: gratitude, longevity, history, Dignity, family, hospital and Winston Churchill. Pretty eclectic selection isn’t it? Let’s try and make it make sense. It all comes back to J H Kenyon, Bayswater. One of the Dignity Funerals Branches in London. On a rare sunny day earlier in 2024, (a distant memory following last week’s extraordinary rainfall and floods (24/10/24)) Hearing Aid Recycling’s Zoe’s daughter had to spend a day and night in hospital. Amongst this, it was exciting to have received the following email from Monica at J H Kenyon in Bayswater:

“Good morning Zoe,

I tried calling this morning in relation to hearing aids that I have at the branch in Westbourne Grove ready to be collected for recycling.
Would you be able to either call me or let me know how we should go about getting these to you please?”

Meeting Monica at J H Kenyon, Bayswater

J H Kenyon - exterior - with hearing aid recycling poster 5
J H Kenyon – exterior – with hearing aid recycling poster displayed, thank you!

It seemed the perfect opportunity to combine the hospital visit with whizzing to J H Kenyon to meet Monica and her colleague, as well as collecting the aforementioned hearing aids. Collecting and receiving hearing aids are some of our favourite things.

We love collecting hearing aids!

Chocolate clouds - almpst as good as collecting recycled hearing aids
Chocolate clouds – almost as good as collecting recycled hearing aids

We possibly love it as much as cloud watching and chocolate (but not as much as cloud watching with chocolate or maybe even chocolate clouds, now there’s a thought!). So, it was always going to be a good afternoon, however, Monica and her colleague were so lovely and J H Kenyon so unexpected, it turned in to a REALLY good afternoon!

J H Kenyon, much more than expected!

J H Kenyon Foyer and Chapel - welcoming donated hearing aids 6
J H Kenyon Foyer and Chapel

The first unexpected part of our visit to J H Kenyon to collect the donated hearing aids was their fantastic premises. J H Kenyon has a wonderful history (more on that here and later). There are five J H Kenyon branches. As well as the Bayswater branch they have locations in Fulham, Westminster, Hampstead and Kensington. The Bayswater branch from the outside is possibly the most unprepossessing. Making inside even more surprising. Ironically for deaf Hearing Aid Recycling’s Co-Founder Zoe the first thing she noticed was the lack of noise. The sense of calm. The air of serenity and also the scale of the building.

An oasis amongst the hustle and bustle.

There’s something almost Harry Potteresque (we think it should be a word, if you work for the OED and are reading this, what thoughts?) about being on bustling Westbourne Grove one moment and cloistered in J H Kenyon the next. With London property at such a premium the sheer scale of the building was surprising in itself. The chapel, such a tranquil and cosseting space. Monica was so welcoming with a wonderful smile and warm greeting. Her enthusiasm and support for Hearing Aid Recycling was palpable. We really are so grateful, thank you!

J H Kenyon, the big red books!

We appreciate we’re yet to elaborate on the relevance of the planes, trains, automobiles and horses so you might well be wondering why we’re introducing big red books too! These are the big red books:

The Big Red Books 7
The Big Red Books

History neatly bound within the Big Red Books

We mentioned history in our list of (not) random words earlier. Most of the history of J H Kenyon is detailed in the collection of ledgers which are proudly displayed on the shelves in the building’s foyer. The ledgers contain records of all the funerals which have been officiated by J H Kenyon’s Bayswater branch over the years. A delve into them will reveal not only a very illustrious history specific to J H Kenyon but also a fantastic record of how funerals have been conducted and changed over time. For many years J H Kenyon presided over all of the state funerals. Including those of many important people, including members of the Royal Family and dignitaries, not least Sir Winston Churchill (as well as other members of his wider family).

Naval ratings pulling Sir Winston Churchill's coffin 15

Good people doing good for people (with hearing aids)!

Hearing Aid Recycling - working closely with Dignity 9
Hearing Aid Recycling – working closely with Dignity

As we’ve already mentioned, we’re so grateful to everyone at Dignity who support Hearing Aid Recycling’s mission to help as many deaf people and children around the world access hearing aids and hearing health care. We’re a relatively small organisation that works with tiny things (hearing aids obvs!) making a really BIG difference. Our family and friends are often roped in to help us too.

Keeping it in the family!

Earlier in the year, Co-Founder Zoe’s son Bertie spent the first half of his work experience week helping count, sort and collect hearing aids. He possibly didn’t love the counting morning. Here he is turning the process into a quirky table football match (for one!!).

Bertie sorting donated hearing aids for hearing aid recycling 10
Bertie sorting donated hearing aids for hearing aid recycling

However, it was another fabulous sunny day when he got to meet the crew at Dignity’s Botley, Oxford branch of Oliver and James. Here’s Bertie (again!) with them. It was interesting and heartwarming to hear how the former S & R Childs was being renamed to reflect the names of two very long standing members of staff. Again, we’re so grateful to everyone at the branch but also the anonymous audiologist who had cleared out his cupboards. We received a fantastic selection of hearing aids (which have already gone to Ukraine – we’ll write an article all about it soon!) and Bertie got a well deserved fast food lunch (win, win!).

Oliver and James -Dignity Funerals - planes, trains, automobiles and hearing aid recycling 11
Oliver and James -Dignity Funerals – planes, trains, automobiles and hearing aid recycling

Sir Winston Churchill’s Funeral:

Let’s get back on track with the: Planes, Trains, Automobiles, Horses and Hearing Aid Recycling!

Sir Winsston Churchill's Funeral - Brian Parsons 12
Sir Winston Churchill’s Funeral – Brian Parsons

Sorry, we seem to have wandered off on a general collecting hearing aids tangent. Careless with so many of our random list of words still hanging. As we’ve already mentioned J H Kenyon have a long and illustrious association with officiating notable funerals. Not least that of Sir Winston Churchill. It’s less than 4 months until the 60th anniversary of the death and funeral of that incredible statesman. In 2015, to commemorate the 50th anniversary and J H Kenyon’s participation in the events of that bitterly cold January day in 1965, Dr Brian Parsons wrote a booklet. Copies are still available from J H Kenyon. It’s a great little read and details the preparations and execution of Sir Winston Churchill’s funeral.

Trailblazers in funeral transportation.

J H Kenyon were not only the first funeral directors to use motor vehicles as hearses, they also founded Kenyon Air Transportation. This coffin repatriation service is no longer a separate component of the business. However, it is a service that is still available to all J H Kenyon’s clients to this day.

Planes, Trains, Automobiles, horses and not yet Hearing Aid Recycling!

Horse drawn hearse
Horse drawn hearse

It’s slightly tenuous for us to try and inveigle the use of planes as part of Sir Winston Churchill’s Funeral. However, their inclusion could possibly be that many of the mourners will have arrived in Britain by air. We did say it was slightly tenuous! However, as far as the rest of our list goes, all were very much included. As part of the commemoration Sir Winston Churchill’s coffin was taken by horse-drawn carriage from Grosvenor Square to Paddington Station. From there it was placed on a van forming the 10.20 am train. It wasn’t only his coffin to make the journey.

J H Kenyon were with Sir Winston all the way through.

He was accompanied by nine members of J H Kenyon staff, the hearse and four horses. Although the horses weren’t part of the gun carriage bearing to St Paul’s Cathedral. This was a change to earlier funerals. There had been an episode of ‘equine consternation’ at Queen Victoria’s Funeral. The horses had objected to, and made their feelings known about, having to stand around in the cold. For this reason Sir Winston Churchill’s gun carriage was drawn by naval ratings.

Naval ratings pulling Sir Winston Churchill's coffin 15
Naval ratings pulling Sir Winston Churchill’s coffin

We forgot about the boats!

Hearing Aid Recycling Sir Winston Churchill coffin by boat
Hearing Aid Recycling Sir Winston Churchill coffin by boat

Having tenuously included planes bearing guests to proceedings to try and spice up our narrative, it seems very remiss to have left out the boats! So here they are! At the end of the service the coffin was carried out of the cathedral back to the gun carriage and conveyed onto the Port of London Authority’s motor vessel Havengore. A continuation of a nautical connection for significant funerals. Previous examples being Lord Nelson in 1806 and Lord Wavell in 1950. It’s at this stage that the planes can make a genuine entry! In the form of a fly past.

Sir Winston Churchill, Hearing Aid Recycling, beginnings and endings in Oxfordshire!

Hearing Aid Recycling - conceived in Oxfordshire 17
Hearing Aid Recycling – conceived in Oxfordshire

The end of his final journey, still meticulously orchestrated by J H Kenyon was to Bladon Churchyard in Oxfordshire. The neighbouring village to Woodstock where Sir Winston was born at Blenheim Palace. He made this part of his journey by train and automobile. We have no idea where Sir Winston Churchill was conceived. It’s none of our business! As just mentioned, we do know, he was born in Oxfordshire. Hearing Aid Recycling was conceived and like Sir Winston Churchill started it’s life in a small village in Oxfordshire.

And now for a bit of Hearing Aid Recycling!

Putting it all together - Donate your hearing aids 18
Putting it all together – Donate your hearing aids

We think we’ve nearly covered off all of our initially random seeming list of words. For neatness’ sake, let’s check!

Planes,Trains, Automobiles, Horses, Hearing Aid Recycling, gratitude, longevity, history, Dignity, family, hospital and Sir Winston Churchill.

We’re pretty close. On the basis that Sir Winston Churchill is a key figure from modern history. Planes, trains, automobiles and horses all featured significantly as part of his funeral. That our story started with family in hospital and visiting J H Kenyon (part of Dignity) and learning of their longevity…. That possibly just leaves Hearing Aid Recycling and gratitude!

Hearing Aid Recycling and gratitude!

We may have made a small and cheeky comparison between Hearing Aid Recycling and Sir Winston Churchill in relation to us both being ‘born’ in Oxfordshire. However, we know that that’s where most of the similarity ends. Although, it is clear that Sir Winston Churchill had a very strong sense of his ‘why’, as do we. Our ‘why’ is to try and ‘Help Others Hear’. We would like to make a big impact with tiny things. We’d like to positively influence how many more people may be given the gift of hearing whilst limiting the waste of hearing aids.

Little by little towards a BIG difference.

If we look at the total numbers. Just how many hearing aids are thrown away each year. How many people don’t have access to hearing aids around the world, it feels quite huge and a little overwhelming. So, we’ve decided to take it one day at a time, one hearing aid at a time and hopefully little by little we will chip away at the problem and make a difference. We can’t do it on our own. However, with help from organisations such as Dignity and the people within them (too many to name!), working together we can change lives. It’s so very humbling and such a privilege to be able to be part of such a brilliant team.

Thank you Dignity!

Thank you - Dignity - for collecting donated hearing aids 19

Thank you Dignity for your support and enabling us to transform lives around the world through access to better hearing from donated hearing aids. We’re so grateful to all of you who have opened your doors to people donating hearing aids. To everyone who has made a parcel and popped it in the post to us. Working together, one hearing aid at a time we really can make a big difference.

Please help us, please donate any no longer needed hearing aids!

Here’s how:

If you’d like to donate your or a loved ones no longer needed hearing aids, you can find your nearest drop off point here.

Or why not send us an email at and we can look it up for you?

We love to hear from you too. If it is easier, please do give us a call on 0300 102 1565 and we can help you donate.

Or simply pop them in the post to us at:

Hearing Aid Recycling
P O Box 816
OX16 6TW

If you do send us anything, if you’re happy to, please include your contact details and we’ll let you know they have arrived safely.

THANK YOU Dignity and THANK YOU everyone who has and does donate hearing aids for Hearing Aid Recycling. They make such a difference and really do: