Dame Evelyn Glennie – The World’s Premier Solo Percussionist

Hearing Aid Recycling Supporting Partner The Evelyn Glennie Foundation

We are so proud to have The Evelyn Glennie Foundation as one of our Supporting Partners for our Hearing Aid Recycling.

Evelyn is a percussionist of many firsts, not least as the first full-time solo percussionist in the world. Including first to perform a percussion concerto at London’s Royal Academy of Music and first to give a percussion recital and concerto performance at BBC’s Henry Wood Promenade Concerts (Proms).

Life on screen:

Evelyn has been on our screens since her first appearance in January 1985.  Her wide and varied contributions include ‘A Will to Win’ a documentary charting her own incredible story.  A fun appearance on Sesame Street and a ‘chatty’ one on The Late Show with David Letterman.  Evelyn has also made contributions to commercial and feature films, most notably the award winning Touch the Sound in 2004.

Award winning albums:

Evelyn won her first GRAMMY at the age of just 23 in 1988.  The same year that she released her first solo album ‘Rhythm Song’.  Evelyn’s second GRAMMY was awarded for her recording of Corigliano’s percussion concerto The Conjurer (with the Albany Symphony Orchestra under David Alan Miller).  She also featured as a guest artist on Béla Fleck’s GRAMMY-winning crossover album.

Having dazzled audiences all over the world with the speed and co-ordination of her playing, it’s hardly surprising to hear that Evelyn has held her motorbike licence since 2001. 

Evelyn was first honoured in 1993 receiving an OBE. Later receiving her Damehood from Queen Elizabeth II in 2007.  Evelyn was also awarded The Companion of Honour for Services to Music in 2016.

An Olympic effort:

In 2012 London hosted the Olympic Games.  Evelyn set the tone and pace at the radical opening ceremony directed by Danny Boyle.  Playing two roles.  Leading the percussive drive and 965 strong Pandemonium Drummers in Underworld’s anthemic ‘And I Will Kiss’.  Also playing ‘Caliban’s Dream’ on the newly created  Glennie Concert Aluphone. Whilst the Olympic Flame made its way into the stadium.

Hearing Aid Recycling Supporting Partner The Evelyn Glennie Foundation

As we’ve already mentioned we’re so grateful to The Evelyn Glennie Foundation.  For her support for our initiative to recover and repurpose hearing aids. At the end of 2010 Evelyn travelled out to Tanzania, on a fundraising mission for AbleChild Africa, to climb Mount Kilamanjaro.  Finally reaching the peak at 5895 meters above sea level on 2nd December 2010.  We’re looking forward to being able to support AbleChild as part of our hearing aid redistribution project.

As well as the work carried out and supported by The Evelyn Glennie Foundation and The Evelyn Glennie Collection, another piece of history was recently made when Evelyn was the first percussionist to receive the Léonie Sonning Music Prize. Her acceptance speech included the following:

“I am extremely honoured to address you all this evening. Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined standing here receiving an award as important and symbolic as the Leonie Sonning Music Prize.

From the deepest part of my heart, thank you so very much for even considering me for this special award and for having faith in what I am trying to cultivate in my life. My aim is for the effects of this Prize to be felt by many through the work of my Foundation, The Evelyn Glennie Foundation, whose mission is To Teach The World To Listen.”

Thank you Dame Evelyn Glennie and The Evelyn Glennie Foundation for your interest and enthusiasm. In our mission to improve lives around the world by access to better hearing.  We feel honoured to join your mission to ‘Teach The World To Listen’.